Back to work tomorrow!
I'm always a little sad in this occasions...I feel like I should have profited more from my holidays...
But I also feel optimistic (despite the little sad face).
Do you like the harem pants on my girl?I do!
Big kiss!( I have to go to the supermarket to buy ice cream!)
sisisi d'accordo con te, anche sugli harem pants:-)
RispondiEliminavado anch'io al supermarket now!!
love love love
love this, if this is your drawing, you are a good artist!
:D Loving the harem pants and her stroppy expression. So cute.
RispondiEliminaI think those kind of trousers can look so cool! and I have work tomorrow :( I go away next week so I'm happy I won't be at work! Lovely drawing :)
RispondiEliminaI love your sketches! Theyre so great!
RispondiEliminaloving your blog. following!